by Liz Court | Aug 11, 2020 | Uncategorised
Pilates News Boom – back in the room! Here we go for an 8 week term, taking us to the end of October. You will need to bring your own small equipment to each class – mat, head cushion, band, small ball and a larger squishy ball.Fee for all classes is £80....
by Liz Court | Feb 5, 2019 | Newsletter, Uncategorised
Pilates News Weather and dark days got you feeling a bit meh? Yeah it’s been cold and wet for what seems forever but how we react to that makes all the difference.Exercise gets your endorphins flowing, your happy molecules a bit more active and can help improve...
by Liz Court | Dec 6, 2018 | Uncategorised
Pilates News Well another year upon us and we can get back to normal after all that Festive malarky. The promise of good movement, a safe space to work that body of yours however it feels on the day – you will feel so much better after – what is not to...
by Liz Court | Oct 8, 2018 | Massage, Newsletter, Pilates, Uncategorised
Pilates News Hi all welcome to a new website – hope you like it. I am so pleased with the new look – thank you Hadden at HeHa Design. Course dates and all the other information you need are here. The next course which takes us up to Christmas is 8 weeks...