Pilates June to July 2019

 Pilates News   EAT SLEEP PILATES REPEAT – LOVE LIFE AND MOVE WELLWell done – we got through the Bank Holidays, Elections, and changes of venue – another term draws to an end. Next term – 2 new class venues to add to your options for roaming....

Pilates Easter Term 2019

 Pilates News Here we are – another Winter done and into the glory and joy of Spring and also the glory and joy of another Pilates Term. Lets Move Well and Feel Great – and that’s what Pilates aims to help you do. We are into an 8 week term for most...

Pilates March 2019

 Pilates News Weather and dark days got you feeling a bit meh? Yeah it’s been cold and wet for what seems forever but how we react to that makes all the difference.Exercise gets your endorphins flowing, your happy molecules a bit more active and can help improve...

Pilates June – July 2018 Term

 Pilates News What a term! A full house of classes with clients eager to learn, to move and enjoy the zhuzh! Your enthusiasm is amazing and I am looking forward to the next few weeks – lets carry on moving, breathing and ironing out those kinks. This is an 8 week term...