January 2019

 Pilates News Well another year upon us and we can get back to normal after all that Festive malarky. The promise of good movement, a safe space to work that body of yours however it feels on the day – you will feel so much better after – what is not to...

February Term 2018

Well at last the evenings are drawing out. Yay. And that means another term on the horizon. So here is all the information you need to get you on your Pilates mat for the next few weeks. It’s a 6 week term this time – finishing just before Easter.  Cost...

New Year Term January 2018

Here are the dates for the New Year 2018 – where did 2017 go? I hope to see you in class – come along and feel what Pilates can do for your body – my goal is to make every single class energise, strengthen, de-stress – Pure Pilates for Real...